Examination Extermination

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The examinationshve finally come to a close. And i havent blogged for 2 months (est.). This year saw a plung in he average results for the school. This is probably because of the extreme difficulty of the papers this year. Alot of people are somewhat miserable because their marks anrnt very impressive. Im just miserable because my laptop's keyboard is becoming unresponsive (esp. the spacebar, the 'e', the 'a' and 'r' keys). here's a brief overview of my results:
EL - 62.5 % (so far)
E.Math - 90%
A. math - 76.875%
MT (tamil) - 84%
Biology - 82%
Chemistry - 67.5%
Physics - N.A
S.S - 35/50
Geography - 42/50
Humanities - 77%



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