
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Why are you here? Did you ever try thinking about that? Funny isnt it? Inanimate particles coming together to form a thing that not only lives and breathes, but is able to contemplate the reasons of its existence and its origin. Wierd. Anyway youre here and im doing up my blog again.. Using google's adsense and nuffnang is very long winded. These two utilities are advertisement agents of a sort. They can earn you a good deal of money (peanuts) but you need to have your readers constantly clicking on them. Otherwise theyre just boulders obstructing the river. Had my birthday 17 days ago. It was fun. And simple. Simplicity is beauty. Yup. So now I'm 16. I can actually watch NC-16 Movies. Legally, that is. I cant really believe im 16. I feel like im 13. I wish i was 13.


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