Friday, February 20, 2009 at Friday, February 20, 2009
Ello readers! here are some pics taken while at the project I summit at NTU.. (NANYANG TECH UNI).. nothing much about project I.. we do chitosan bandaid they talk to us about piracy.. no link rite? what? u wanna use chitosan bad aids to stop pirates? Winston just joined our group, as a fresh greenhorn.. here are some pics.

Some drinks at the NTU there.. catered..

Drinks get from here
That's Jackie. I follo him search for drinks and food..

The elegant tables of catered food.. until they arrived.. the other students.. eat all the fishballs..rrr

Look at the guy's head... like owl's egg... gleaming like ther's no tomorrow... can see the aura of light.. distracted me..

Tresspassers will be beheaded.. or something like that...
Wicked motives
Me taking photo of winston who is taking photo of me, who is taking photo of winston who is taking pho... arrh u get what i mean!
winston's PSP.. got some form of browser... chimology stuff lah...


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