Thursday, February 26, 2009 at Thursday, February 26, 2009
Our common test week is close to over... We are feeling free now.. except for the fact that there's a mid year paper coming up in not a very long time. Personally i did not think that I would do well... I still think im gonna fail... Let's hope we all pass..(with flying colours of course) Winston and I have been coming up with some strategies to defeat the smarties in our groups and stuff i find better not disclosed... here are some photos

My old samsung camera.. i now use RICOH..

A rainbow formed outside my block..

The river's relatively filled to the brim..

Jackie playing TAITI or taitee or teh tea i dunno lah..

Fun at the carom room..

An accident occured outside Hai Sing..

Well, that's all... *sigh* sheesh..


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